Robotic Therapy Rehabilitation Centre


Our List of Expert Stroke Related Topics

What to Do When Someone Is Having a Stroke Right Now

A stroke can strike without warning. Knowing what to do when someone is having a stroke could make the difference between recovery and lifelong disability—or even life and death...

Preventing Recurrence - Stroke Prevention Strategies

Stroke is a serious health issue that affects millions worldwide. Its impact doesn’t end with the first stroke as the risk of recurrence remains high.

How to Properly Handle a Stroke Patient

How to handle a stroke patient? Stroke recovery can be a tough period. Many patients face post-stroke symptoms that make it challenging to manage daily tasks. This includes difficulty communicating..

Common Habits That Increases Risk of Strokes

The risk of stroke is never zero. Around 15 million people suffer from stroke every year and about 5 million of them die. Some are left partially disabled while others experience cognitive impairments.


Take a look at our collection of exoskeleton robot and devices that are focused in helping stroke patient back up on their feet.

UGO Exoskeleton Robot

Designed for patients with spinal cord injury, ,stroke, muscle, weakness and other neurological diseases caused by lower limb motor dysfunction.

KidsGO Exoskeleton Robot

Kid’s exoskeleton robot is an intelligent rehabilitation training device for improving abnormal motor function of lower limbs

QQ 浏览器 (XZ-Driod Smart)

Required for user by those with extremely low bone mineral density, severe joint deformities and pressure sores or unhealed pressure sores.

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